AVID Program

What is the A.V.I.D program at GLOW?

  • AVID is a nonprofit that changes lives by helping schools shift to a more equitable, student-centered approach for teaching and learning.

  • The goal of our AVID program is to close the opportunity gap, so we can prepare all students for college, careers, and life.

  • AVID enhances our practices to make our girls more prepared for college and strengthen our teaching staff in their craft.

  • AVID is woven into the GLOW school day with school wide initiatives, engaging instructional strategies AND our AVID Elective class.

  • AVID integrates WICOR (Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, and Reading) into your GLOW girl's rigorous educational experience.

  • We offer AVID Elective classes for our 9th and 10th grade students. Scroll down for Application details and deadlines!

Judy dreams

A.V.I.D. Student Spotlight

Each quarter our AVID team at GLOW spotlights one of our amazing AVID students who exemplifies the inpidual determination of the AVID program and is leading our community with their journey in education and personal growth.

Sydney's Story

sydney- Avid spotlight

"AVID has been such an unique experience for me even though I've only been in the class for a short time. Being in the AVID class has allowed me to learn more about colleges, support my friends, and be more involved with social justice issues. The whole class is close and we can have great discussions or just goof around. It's the perfect mixture of support and challenge."

-Sydney, Class of 2023

Student Resources

Address Book Notebook

Your AVID Binder

Every GLOW girl is given a 3 ring binder with piders for each class. It is a schoolwide expectation that each student practice organizational skills and maintain an AVID binder. Click on the resources below to learn more.



COSTAS Levels of Thinking is strategy taught to all GLOW girls to help practice critical thinking and questioning skills. Click on the links below to learn more.

convocation Mortar Board Graduation Degree

AVID Sisterhood

GLOW Academy provides the unique opportunity for our students to create and foster relationships that support their academic and social/emotional growth. AVID strategies and college/career focus enhances that experience through accountability, mentoring, and leadership development. Click on the links below to learn more.

AVID Elective Information

The AVID Elective is offered for our GLOW high school students. Students who meet the AVID program criteria are encouraged to apply in the Spring for the following Fall enrollment. Each applicant completes an application process with teacher recommendations and an interview with our school's AVID Site Team. After acceptance into the AVID program students join an AVID Elective class that meets during our Leadership Advisory block. Students engage with a rigorous AVID curriculum, join an incredible academic and social support structure with their classmates, and practice skills to extend their learning and prepare them for college and career success.

Our Teachers

Elizabeth Moore

Elizabeth Moore

9th grade AVID Elective Teacher

" I love working with students who love to learn. Their voices and ideas are inspirational, and help me look forward to coming to school every day. "


Carrie Tomlin

10th grade AVID Elective Teacher

"To me, teaching AVID is a way to create a space and a community where students can find the belief in themselves to achieve whatever they want to achieve."

What could the AVID Elective look like for YOU?

Are you an AVID Parent?

Check out the resources below.

Service Customer Support

AVID Family Night

Supporting our AVID students and their parents is a priority to the AVID team at GLOW. Please join us each semester for our AVID Family Night to learn more about our community and support one another.

Click on the link below to see the presentation from our last meeting.



Set a SMART goal with your AVID student

Click on the LINK below to work with your GLOW girl to set a SMART goal, action steps, and a plan to support her this semester.


How to APPLY to the AVID Program

Hand Laptop People Work

Now accepting applications for 2021-2022 school year for rising 9th, 10th, and 11th graders

  • LINK to application (Coming March 2021)

  • LINK to Teacher Recommendation Form (Coming March 2021)

  • Applications due by May 1st, 2021

  • Interviews will be scheduled between May 17th- May 28th

Have questions about AVID?

Whitney Futrell

Contact us

Whitney Futrell

AVID Program Coordinator/ District Director

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (910)338.5258 Ext.114

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