The Girls Leadership Academy of Wilmington (GLOW) is committed to contributing to the health and wellness of its students by implementing food service and physical/health education programs which promote positive dietary and lifestyle practices. The programs are an integrated part of the learning environment and curriculum and are designed to maximize student well-being and academic achievement. All staff members are encouraged to take advantage of opportunities to incorporate sou nutrition concepts and physical fitness activities into their curriculum.
At GLOW Academy, one of the subcommittees of our School Improvement Team will focus on the safety, health, and wellness of our students. In part, it is the responsibility of the Health and Wellness Subcommittee to plan, implement, and monitor this policy as well as other safety, health, and nutrition initiatives within the school. The subcommittee will also serve as an advisory committee regarding student health issues. The council may examine related research and laws, assess student needs and the current school environment, review existing board policies and administrative regulations, collaborate with the community and help raise awareness about student health issues.
The council will assist the President, Principal, and the School Improvement Team in compiling data which includes the minutes of physical activity and the minutes of physical education and/or healthful living education received by students and any other information required by the State Board of Education. The Human Resources & Operations Officer is responsible for general oversight of Local Wellness Policy and serves on the Health and Wellness Subcommittee.
GLOW Academy welcomes subcommittee members from all interested parties including School Board members, school administration, staff, students, parents/guardians and members of the community Potential stakeholders will be informed of the opportunity to participate in the subcommittee through school newsletters. Upon completion of the Local Wellness Policy and subsequent triennial review, the Principal or designee will present the policy to the School Board for review and approval. Discussion pertaining to and approval of the Local Wellness Policy will be recorded in the meeting minutes for the month in which the policy is presented to the School Board.
GLOW Academy informs the public of the Local Wellness Policy through the school’s website. Information on the website pertaining to the Local Wellness Policy is reviewed triennially for accuracy and compliance.
All foods available during the school day will be offered to students with consideration for promoting student health, reducing childhood obesity, providing a variety of nutritional meals and promoting life-long healthy eating habits.
Foods provided through the National School Lunch or School Breakfast Programs will comply with federal nutrition standards. GLOW Academy adheres to federal Smart Snacks Nutrition Standards and state competitive food regulations for all food and beverages sold to students during the school day. In addition, food selections will also be consistent with statewide nutrition standards established by the State Board of Education. In order to maintain accurate records of compliance, GLOW Academy will work with local and state contacts to conduct regular observations and audits of the school nutrition program.
Competitive foods will strive to meet State Board of Education nutrition standards and will strive to comply with the requirements of G.S. 115C-264.2 and Eat Smart: North Carolina’s Recommended Standards for All Foods in Schools. Competitive foods are defined as foods offered at school other through the National School Lunch or School Breakfast Programs including food, snacks and beverages from ala carte menus, vending machines and outside suppliers.
Food used as a reward or incentive in the classroom will strive to make a positive contribution to the students’ diet and health but other, more appropriate, rewards are encouraged.
GLOW Academy will market and advertise foods and beverages that, at a minimum, meet Smart Snacks Nutrition Standards. No food or beverage which does not meet this minimum standard will be advertised or marketed on school campus during the school day. In order to maintain compliance with this requirement, GLOW Academy will conduct regular onsite reviews and observations of all vending machines, posters, menu boards, coolers, and any other foodservice equipment.
GLOW believes that promoting student health and nutrition enhances readiness for learning and increases student achievement. The goals of nutrition education are (1) to provide appropriate instruction for the acquisition of behaviors which contribute to a healthy lifestyle for students and (2) to teach, encourage and support healthy lifestyle choices by students.
With respect to nutrition promotion, GLOW Academy will promote awareness and knowledge about healthy eating habits and the importance of physical activity among students, teachers, and parents through schoolwide newsletters and pertinent health education standards.
GLOW Academy is committed to utilizing research-based strategies to support wellness across the school. GLOW will provide a safe and supportive environment for all students and staff members Additionally, the Wellness Committee will investigate opportunities to collaborate with local organizations to support student and staff wellness.
The goal of the physical education program is to promote lifelong physical activity and provide instruction in the skills and knowledge necessary for lifetime participation in physical activity. To address issues such
as overweightness, obesity, cardiovascular disease and Type II diabetes, students will participate in physical activity as part of the school’s curriculum. Physical education opportunities will foster support and guidance for being physically fit and will teach students the types of activities that contribute to tot fitness.
An average of 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity will be provided daily for students through grades 6-8. Such activity may be achieved through a regular physical education class, recess, or classroom energizers. The President will work with the Principal to ensure that students meet the minimum physical activity requirement.
The Board President and his/her designee will be responsible for overseeing implementation of this policy and monitoring to ensure compliance with this policy, related policies and established guidelines, or administrative regulations. The Health and Wellness Committee, in collaboration with the Board President, will conduct a triennial assessment. Following the triennial assessment, the Board President will report the committee’s findings to the GLOW Academy Board at the next regularly scheduled Boa meeting.
Approved November 21, 2024