GLOW believes a girl's zip code should not determine their destiny. Families globally struggle with intergenerational poverty most oftentimes a direct result of their physical location. When children are born into poverty and only have access to the education that exists in their community they are already at a significant disadvantage to similar-aged students in higher socioeconomic status homes. GLOW works to assist girls living in poverty by removing barriers that may obstruct their ability to reach long-term success through educational and social opportunities. According to the Urban Institute, children who live in poverty for at least one year before they turn 18 are less likely to reach important adult milestones, like graduating from high school. While our school cannot combat all of the barriers that may impede a child from reaching success, we can focus on the steps needed to graduate from high school and set plans into place to go to college and for career readiness.
GLOW Academy is financially supported by Beacon Education to aid in removing barriers for GLOW girls. GLOW Academy and Beacon Education work hand in hand to achieve the mission of GLOW.
Beacon Education's EIN is 47-3629354
Teresa Huffmon - Chair
Waltrina Barnett
Michelle Clark-Bradley
Judy Girard
Margee Herring
Commencha Jordan-Brown
Katherine McKenzie
Ali Mendoza
Amanda Miars
Mark Moroz
Kim Nelson
Deloris Rhodes
Joanne Rockness
Sandy Spiers
Rose Zimmer
The foregoing are examples of how donations may be used by Beacon Education and not specific limitations on the use of funds. By making a donation, you acknowledge that Beacon Education may use donated funds in its sole discretion, consistent with its charitable purpose.