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Phoenix Curriculum Updates

GLOW Academy is home to both a middle school program and a high school program. This unique 6th - 12th grade experience allows for our students to have a seamless transition from middle school to high school.

GLOW Middle School Program:
In the GLOW middle grades program, we stress rigorous academics and a sense of personal responsibility in each student. We work towards helping students gain independence, problem solving skills, and experience collaborating with groups. We focus on students building high expectations for themselves through reflection and critical thinking. The Middle School experience offers students opportunities to learn and grow in a safe, nurturing environment. As our GLOW girls transition from elementary school they require in their three middle school years the support, encouragement, guidance and high academic expectations required to grow as future leaders.

Our middle school day is organized around a core academic team of teachers that support our student for the full academic year. A team is a group of teachers who share the same grade level students and whose classrooms are generally located close in proximity. Our grade level teams consist of core academic teachers in Mathematics, English Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, AIG Reading and Math, and Leadership Advisory. Team members work collaboratively to meet the needs of every student by providing opportunities for enrichment, advanced work, social and emotional supports, and of course, academic support. Every student will be assigned to a leadership advisory class that meets daily. Whole girl development is fostered in this course through leadership development, college and career readiness, health and wellness, STEAM, life skills, and school service jobs. In our Leadership Advisory classes, students work every morning on developing their social skills and interactions with their peers, managing their time, organizing their assignments, completing their classwork and homework, abiding by school rules, developing independence, and setting personal goals.

GLOW High School Program:
The GLOW High School Program is structured around two driving goals: High School Graduation and College Preparedness. In the fours years that our students spend in our high school program, they will find themselves challenged to think, learn and write critically. They also will experience a personalized experience of academic counseling and college enrollment counseling unique to our program.

What students should know and understand before transitioning to and while attending high school:

  • Know how to calculate your GPA (Grade Point Average)
  • Know how to read a transcript
  • Understand the meaning and importance of a course credit
  • Know your high school graduation requirements
  • Understand and complete a High School Four Year Plan
  • Know the attendance policy
  • Understand the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Career Pathways available and how to get a competitive edge as a Concentrator in a Career Cluster
  • Understand High School Options
  • Understand the meaning and importance of various curriculum options, such as
    a) Honors/Advanced Placement (AP),
    b) College Courses,
    c) Credit by Demonstrated Mastery,
    d) Virtual Learning,
    e) Diploma Endorsements, and
    f) Career and College Promise.
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