What is the AIG Program at GLOW?
At GLOW Academy, we strive to ensure that extraordinary academic and intellectual talent is recognized and nurtured. It is the shared responsibility of teachers, the AIG Committee, and the community to ensure that gifted and talented students are connected to stimulating enrichment programs that enhance her whole girl education here at GLOW.
The AIG Program at GLOW Academy serves our Middle School students, reflects the context and values of the school, and strives to be:
- Multicategorical, recognizing that giftedness appears across subjects and domains;
- Inclusive,including students in an array of special abilities and talents (i.e. gifted, high potential, high ability, and twice exceptional) and acknowledging that giftedness is evident in all societal groups;
- Multicultural,acknowledging multicultural values, beliefs, attitudes, and customs; and
- Research-based,grounding our practices in sound research and theories.
What provisions will AIG-identified students receive in the program?
AIG-Specific Classes: Students that have been officially identified as AIG in Language Arts and/or Math will be placed into that course's AIG option. These courses are characterized by both academic acceleration and enrichment. Admittance into one AIG course does not automatically enroll the students into all AIG courses. If students are struggling to keep up with the higher demands of these courses parents/guardians will be notified. The AIG team, parent, and student will meet to make a decision on the best course of action moving forward.
Differentiated Classroom Instruction: AIG-identified students will receive a majority of their quality enrichment through challenging and differentiated programs embedded within the regular classroom setting. Grade-level teams will meet and discuss how to best challenge and support AIG-identified students across the school year. The teachers at GLOW design instruction for intellectually gifted and academically talented learners, and promote their academic and holistic wellbeing within this classroom setting.