AIG Program


What is the range of special abilities within conceptions of giftedness?

  • Intellectual/Academic, students with exceptional abilities in one or more of the core learning areas (i.e., Language Arts and Mathematics)

How are students identified for the AIG program at GLOW?

  • Previously Identified Students

  • End of Grade Testing Performance

  • Academic Universal Screening

  • Teacher Recommendations

  • School Psychology

Program at Glow

What is the AIG Program at GLOW?

At GLOW Academy, we strive to ensure that extraordinary academic and intellectual talent is recognized and nurtured. It is the shared responsibility of teachers, the AIG Committee, and the community to ensure that gifted and talented students are connected to stimulating enrichment programs that enhance her whole girl education here at GLOW.

The AIG Program at GLOW Academy serves our Middle School students, reflects the context and values of the school, and strives to be:

  • Multicategorical, recognizing that giftedness appears across subjects and domains;
  • Inclusive,including students in an array of special abilities and talents (i.e. gifted, high potential, high ability, and twice exceptional) and acknowledging that giftedness is evident in all societal groups;
  • Multicultural,acknowledging multicultural values, beliefs, attitudes, and customs; and
  • Research-based,grounding our practices in sound research and theories.


What provisions will AIG-identified students receive at GLOW?

AIG-Specific Classes at GLOW Academy
Students identified as Academically or Intellectually Gifted (AIG) in Language Arts and/or Math are placed in specialized AIG courses tailored to their strengths. These classes combine academic acceleration with enrichment opportunities to challenge and engage students at a higher level.

It’s important to note that placement in one AIG course does not guarantee enrollment in all AIG courses. If a student encounters challenges in meeting the demands of these advanced courses, parents/guardians will be promptly notified. In collaboration with the AIG team, the student, and their family, we will work together to determine the best path forward to support the student’s success.

Differentiated Classroom Instruction
AIG-identified students benefit from high-quality enrichment opportunities integrated into their regular classroom experience. Through challenging and differentiated instruction, teachers ensure these students are consistently engaged and supported.

Grade-level teams collaborate regularly to tailor strategies that challenge and nurture AIG learners throughout the school year. At GLOW, our educators design instruction that not only meets the academic needs of intellectually gifted and talented students but also fosters their overall growth and well-being.

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